Members Resources
Brotherhood Chapters
A chapter is supported by a parish and typically has a “sponsor” attached to it. Sponsor examples would include a Diocesan Coordinator, Province President, or any other member of the National Council.
To form a chapter, there must be a minimum of five members, including the parish rector or other clergy. That clergyperson may be male or female. There are provisions for females to be members. They are called “Associate Members.” If they aren’t clergy, they would use the general membership form, either from the 2nd or 3rd link below. Of course, as time progresses new members will be added.
As additional new members become part of the chapter, please use the following form or the ‘Join the Brotherhood of St. Andrew’ link below.
Individuals beyond the initial chapter wishing to join may use the following link. They will need a debit/credit card, or a personal PayPal account to complete the process. Please note you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay via PayPal.
Are you looking for a chapter? Follow the link below to search the map of Brotherhood Chapters.
Legislative and policy-making functions of the Brotherhood shall be vested in the National Council and Executive Board as provided in this Constitution and the Bylaws.
“The Executive Board” shall exercise the powers of the National Council between sessions thereof. It shall screen all proposals for amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws and shall present recommended final revisions for ratification by the National Council as provided in Article X. It shall elect a Nominating Committee annually.
The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, Senior Vice President, National Council Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, all vice presidents, the National Chaplain, 9 Province Presidents, 6 chapter members, 3 members at large (not members of chapters), the immediate past president, and immediate past National Council Chairperson. The chapter representatives and the at-large members will be elected in accordance with the bylaws.
The Executive Board shall meet on call of the President, at such times or places as he may set, and any meeting of the Executive Board must have a majority of the elected officers and 25% of the other elected Executive Board positions in attendance to transact any business.