Discipline of Study
To study the Holy Scriptures regularly and the teachings of the Church, to attain a better understanding of how to follow Christ and bring others into his kingdom.
Men’s Ministry Helpful Links
Resources for Discipleship, Mentoring, Training
The two basic programs that follow align with the Brotherhood’s mission and have had success
- at Brotherhood chapters and
- in creating an environment for others to know Jesus.
Man In The Mirror is a program the Brotherhood is certified to deliver.
Please contact Tom Martin of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew ( to access this program.
Lead Like Jesus is a program the Brotherhood is certified to deliver.
Please contact Tom Martin of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew ( to access this program.
Books and Study Guides related to Discipleship, Mentoring,
and Training through a Christian lens.
Note – there are several resources available through the internet. The ones identified below are ones that have been used in the Brotherhood and have proven to provide value towards the Brotherhood’s mission and create an environment for others to know Jesus.
- How To Disciple Men by Patrick Morley
- Christian Leadership by John Stott, with Lifeguide Bible Study
- The Mentor Handbook by J. Robert Clinton and Richard W. Clinton, detail guideline help for Christian mentors and mentees
- Mentoring His Way by Roy M. Comstock and Michelle Beck, spiritual characteristics of a Godly life
- Lead Like Jesus Revisited by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, Phyllis Hendry, this book is best used (and is included) with the program Lead Like Jesus mentioned above
- Men and the Church by Jay Crouse
In-person consulting by Brotherhood individuals experienced in facilitating the topics below can be arranged by contacting Tom Martin.
Please contact Tom Martin of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew ( to access this program.
Documents related to each subject are linked below.
- Role of Chapter Director (Content to come).
- Chapter Development Guide (PDF Document).
- Meeting Leadership (Content to come).
- Discipleship (Powerpoint file).
- Evangelism (Powerpoint file).
- Starting a New Chapter (Content to come).
- Servant Leadership (Powerpoint file).
- Brotherhood Value (Powerpoint file).
- Brotherhood Ministries (Content to come).
- Mentoring (Content to come).
- Millennials (Content to come).
- Chapter Meeting Format (PDF Document).
- Prayer (Powerpoint file).
- Study (Powerpoint file).
- Chapter Renewal (Powerpoint file).